When living in France, surrounded by interesting buildings and lots of history, I was 'the Kiwi' on an adventure overseas. I went to play rugby and while there I had a lot of time to think.
I decided I wanted to write a book, based on a New Zealand main character, a hero that New Zealand children could relate to, and so Kory was born. Of course every good hero needs a sidekick, AKA Gilbert.
My experience in the design industry allowed me not only to create the book, but to self publish. I had the connections and confidence to write, design print, promote and distribute my book.
'Kory the Kiwi' took off, proving two things to me and others: Kiwi really can fly and if you put your mind to something, anything can happen.
Kory's website: https://www.korythekiwi.co.nz/
Book Review http://fromearthsend.blogspot.com/2016/03/review-adventures-of-kory-flight-of.html